all postcodes in CB1 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB1 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB1 9AQ 1 52.202258 0.189393
CB1 9BN 0 52.202217 0.19065
CB1 9AD 0 52.201548 0.190572
CB1 9AR 0 52.202264 0.188091
CB1 9AS 1 52.201776 0.192604
CB1 9BJ 0 52.19976 0.195109
CB1 9AJ 0 52.196145 0.198502
CB1 9AL 0 52.196006 0.200163
CB1 9AN 5 52.191797 0.202353
CB1 9AP 1 52.20341 0.191044
CB1 9AT 1 52.211841 0.195837
CB1 9AU 0 52.203247 0.188915
CB1 9AZ 3 52.204299 0.187957
CB1 9AX 0 52.200225 0.192352
CB1 9AY 0 52.199406 0.192838
CB1 9BT 0 52.201883 0.191672
CB1 9BH 0 52.20299 0.186268
CB1 9BD 0 52.201192 0.192092
CB1 9BG 0 52.203988 0.186317
CB1 9BE 0 52.186607 0.181909